The Deep State Moves to Steal Election Victories | Expect the Leftist Disruptions to Come | Businesses Struggle with Unnecessary Regulations | Colonel (Ret) John Mills, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Linda J. Hansen
Are They Using Weather Events to Implement Global Control in the United States | CCP Agents Embedded in New York Politics are Being Revealed in Indictments | Ultra Processed Foods are Causing America's Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Aila Wang
Terrorists are Pouring Through Our Border and Embedding Themselves in Your Cities | Child Injuries from Covid-19 Vaccines are Highly Underreported in VAERS | Does the Hunter Verdicts Show Fair Court Systems | Twila Brase, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Charles Marino
Draft Our Daughters Becomes Part of the NDAA 2025 as United States Faces Several Wars | The Great Military Replacement is Almost Complete | Gangs, Jihadists, Spies, and Criminals Have Taken Over Major Cities | Biden DOJ Stealing Fair Jury Away for Ashli B
Coup Puppet VP Kamala Harris and Media Attempt to Erase Past Actions in Biden Administration | Wall Street Regulators Hold Citizens, Active Duty and Veterans' $MMTLP Investments Hostage | Miles Guo Trial Ends and Reveals CCP Grip on American Press |