Luke Chapter 13 (Holy Bible, Audio Video Daily Reading, Non-Dramatized Calm Talking Bible with Text)
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LTM project (Wait'n EBS Nesara Gesara QFS GCR Gold Silver 1776 True Republic Redpill)The Book of Enoch (Introduction 1/3)
LTM project (Wait'n EBS Nesara Gesara QFS GCR Gold Silver 1776 True Republic Redpill)The Book of Enoch ( Chapter 1)
LTM project (Wait'n EBS Nesara Gesara QFS GCR Gold Silver 1776 True Republic Redpill)Matthew Chapter 25 (Is hiding money in the ground bad? It's time to buy physical gold/ silver now in 2021.)
Bible Project (1080 p Video, Entire OT & NT Talking Audio Bible Reading with NIV text, Easy English)Matthew Chapter 17 (Are we supposed to pay income tax?)
Bible Project (1080 p Video, Entire OT & NT Talking Audio Bible Reading with NIV text, Easy English)Mark Chapter 13 (Signs in the sky at the end of the age? “Watch!”)
Bible Project (1080 p Video, Entire OT & NT Talking Audio Bible Reading with NIV text, Easy English)