2 years agoUnranked to Master - D3 PROMO - Wukong Jungle | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoRoad to Master - OTP Kayn jungle vs Zed | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoRoad to Master - Diana Jungle vs Nunu | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoAP Maokai Jungle vs Kha Zix - Road to Master | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoLast Game for Diamond - AP Maokai Jungle vs Kha'zix | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoViego Jungle vs Kindred - Road to Master | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoViego Jungle vs Sylas - Road to Master | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn
2 years agoOTP Diana Jungle vs Hecarim - Road to Master | STREAMER FULL GAMEPLAY (League of Legends)hidankayn