Col. Michael Aquino's Book Trilogy, Fear and Trauma-Based Mind Control vs Catering to Morals/Ethics and Will, The Propaganda to Make People Wear Masks + Emphasizing Physical Reality Only
Family Accusations + Jessie's Mother Tried to Inform Her Father but He Was In Denial + Drugging Them so They Always Fell Asleep Early + The Alibi People i.e. People that Provided an Alibi for the Authorised Narrative
Cambio climatico artificial. Calentamiento global por fumigacion de nanoparticulas metalicas, suben o bajan la temperatura con ondas de energia en el sur de Italia · Canal Toro TV || RESISTANCE ...-
Operacion Gladio en España (CIA, MI6 y OTAN) IV .- Adolfo Suarez, heroe tragico y martir de la transicion · @saliendodelacaverna7607 || RESISTANCE ...-
ESDRAS VISION & THE MULTITUDE OF MEN (144,000) : ORLANDO BROWN IS CORRECT, THE ILLUMINATI “ILLUMINATED ONES” ARE THE 144,000 DISCIPLES OF YAHAWASHI. “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell”🕎2 Esdras 2;35-48