Bio/Nano Research Group at Autodesk Research the goal of the Autodesk Bio/Nano Research group is to explore the intersection of design with life and material sciences.
You took the jab? You are now a cDNA PATENTED HUMAN! 2013 Supreme Court Petition explaining RNA, mRNA, DNA, isolated DNA and cDNA and how cDNA, AND isolated DNA
ARPA-H POSEIDON Proposers' Day Presentation Video (9/4/24) The Platform Optimizing SynBio for Early Intervention and Detection in ONcology, or POSEIDON, program aims to fundamentally change the field of cancer screening
Scientists Want to Use People as Antennas To Power 6G | They Really Think You Are Stupid And Won't Figure It Out For Yourself! Infact Their Bank Account$ Rely On You Not Figuring It Out For Yourself! #StopTheGrift
@KarenKingston You Are Still Omitting The Truth About The IEEE, IEC, ITU, WBAN, Biofield (NOT DEMON FIELD) Plasmonic Nano Antennas - While Charging $$ For Publicly Avaialble Information
20 Years National Nanotechnology Initiative - 20 Years Biodigital Convergence And Not A Peep 🤫 From Any Other "Truther" Creator! THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE!