Yuval Noah Harari | "With New Generation of AI's They Can Create Intimacy. They Can Hold Conversations With Us, They Can Pretend to Be Humans. This Can Create a Totalitarian System That Even Orwell Couldn't Imagine."
Elections | "The Digital Technologies Mainly Have an Analytical Power...the Next Step Could Be to Go Into a Prescriptive Mode, You DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO HAVE ELECTIONS ANYMORE." - Klaus Schwab
Jeremiah | Truth What Happens When Truth Is Called Insanity Do We Have a Society Sprinting Towards a Cliff Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good & Good Evil; That Put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness. - Isaiah 5-20
Dollar Collapse | "Even the U.S. Allies Are Now Downsizing Their Dollar Reserves." - Russian President Vladimir Putin + Will BRICS Accelerate Launch of Their Financial System Following Seizure of Russian Assets & Sanctions?!