Rosemont Seneca, Investment Management, Trafficking and Money Laundering + Robert H. Treman State Park, Director of the Federal Reserve of New York (1913-31)
Demonic Possession for Power, Angels (including Fallen Ones) Have Spiritual Gifts That Can Enhance a Human Being's Gifts + The Big Bad Boys, Human Hosts Usually Only Live For Around 5 Years and Are Then Destroyed by the Demon + Shapeshifters
Satan's Angel of Light Form, Alluring, Golden Glow + Jesus, Man on Fire, Rescued Jessie From Catacombs, "Ask of Me What You Will," Jessie Asked to Get Them All Out of the System
Recap of the End-Time Ritual Prep + Eyes On Jessie and Her Training Partner (Lucien Greaves) for 72 Hours, Ritual Intended for April 24, 2020 + The Lord Told Jessie To Take Her Position and Put It All Under Jesus' Feet
Madonna Was a High Priestess Under Gloria Vanderbilt, She Tried to Run and Get Out, The Song Like a Prayer (and others) Came Out of That + GV Had Made a Box Depicting Madonna Self-Mutilating and Attempting Suicide + Madonna (The Real One) is Still in
Jessie Wants Them All to Come Out, Even At the Very Top Most Really Don't Want to Do What Satan Commands, They Almost Turn Away + Book of Ruth, 2nd Harvest, A Mighty Army + Engaging
Children Being Rescued from Underground, Protectors Were Questioned About it, The Loyalty of the Most Trusted People Within the System (By Necessity) Was Called into Question
Illuminati Recruiters and Criticism from Christians Who Say Only Focus Only on Jesus + Jessie's Mischief, Engaging with Satanists, The Lord Desires That None Shall Perish + How Else do You Get Them All Out?
The Wrath of God, Applauding Evil and Encouraging Others to Engage in It, Quota System Used in the Luciferian Brotherhood, Evil Builds Up Over Time + CNN, Anderson Cooper, Creating the Narrative
The Standard Hotel + Military Analyst, 75% of DUMBs Have Reportedly Now Fallen, Earthquakes vs Underground Bombs, Different Seismic Readings + The Importance of Donald Trump, Control of the Levers of Power
Kanye (End-Time) Ritual, Dark Side of the System Fallen? Sunshine=Jessie's Ritual Name + Marilyn Manson, Kim Kardashian, Immolation + The Phoenix Position, The Great Apostasy, False Christs vs Anti-Christ, The Light Side Will Raise Up the Anti-Christ
Hierarchy Children, Given Enemas as Part of their Conditioning + Beyoncé and Jay Z, They Use Signs for Comms + How to Behave in the Presence of Higher Ups in the System + Book of Job, Satan in the Throne Room of God
Prayer as a Weapon, Molech Got Stuck in the Floor because the Spiritual Gate was Closed, Couldn't Possess Jessie's Training Partner + Angels, Protectors + Cleanse the Lepers, Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cast Out Demons + Origin of the Gates