Christmas | Why Can't Christmas Just Be About Celebrating the Birth of Jesus? Why Are the Christmas Commercials, Movies and Products Getting Darker? with SPECIAL GUEST Sheila Holm
CBDCs | “The Money In Your Bank Account Will Suddenly Become Digital U.S. Dollars (CBDCs) Overnight. The Old U.S. Dollars Will Be Retired.” - Glenn Beck
Revelation | Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? Connecting the Dots Between mRNA Modifying Nano Technology, Brain Chips, Transhumanism, CBDCs and the Book of Revelation
Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab | PRO-TIPS On How to Sound Like An EVIL GODLESS GLOBALIST WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM VILLIAN with Joe Wakile from Connect Those Dots
COVID-19 Tests | "FAUCI Does Not Mind Going On Television and Lie Directly Into the Camera. With PCR If You Do It Well You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Karry Mullis (Inventor of the PCR Tests)
Ukraine | Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Implement Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? Why Is Ukraine the First Country to Fulfill Klaus Schwab's CBDC, Digital ID, Vaccine Passport, Universal Basic Income, Social Credit Score Vision?
CBDCs | Is Jerome Powell Describing Quant CBDCs? | "If We Were to Pursue a CBDC. Identify Verified, So It Would Not Be An Anonymous Bearer Instrument." - Jerome Powell (Federal Reserve Chairman)