Giant Illuminati Pyramid on RNC Stage, Sikh Prays To False God At RNC, Churches Promote Bible Twisting, False Prophet Brandon Biggs Exposed, JD Vance's Role, The Great Falling Away Has Begun
WKU: Quiet Day At First, Then Angry Black Female Who Has 2 Sodomite Dads Argues w/ Me About Homosexuality, Draws A Crowd of 40 Students, Passing Out Tons of Tracts, Exalting Jesus Christ
Friday Night Shabbat: Jesus and His Father Sent Hurricane Helene (Means Shining False Light) Because Jesus and His Father Hate You Americans And Is Punishing You --Hurricane Helene Is The First of Many Judgments Coming To America!
Friday Night Shabbat: In A Stunning Miracle, Jesus Connects Me With A Very Special Subscriber, Holy Spirit Reveals To Me Further Confirmation That My Prophecy Came True & I Am A True Prophet of Jesus, Exalting His Word and Magnifying Shabbat!
University of Vermont: Even In The Rain, The Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw A Crowd of 30 Students, Lots of Lesbians, Homosexuals, Perverts and Mockers, But One Lesbian Comes Under Major Conviction, I Pass Out Lots of Tracts, Students Raise Hands & Ask Q&a
Washington State University: Another Rainy Day, Muslims Almost Assault Me, Sinner Spits on My Banner, Several Fruitful One-on-One Conversations, One Humble Christian Student Prays For Me
April 8th "Nineveh" Solar Eclipse: CERN Firing Up, NASA Launching Rockets Into Moon's Shadow, National Guard and HAZMAT Teams Being Deployed -- What On Earth Is Going On???
Israel's National Security Minister & 1500 Jews Ascend Temple Mount on 9th of Av Defying Authorities, 14 Airlines Cancel Flights to Israel & Middle East, Youtube CEO Struck Dead by Yah, Iran Rejects European Call For Restraint, Prophetic Word