Miley Cyrus We Can't Stop Music Video Decode, Spaghettios, Twerk, Spooning, Sauce, Cannibalism + Taxidermy, High Level Brotherhood Members' Man Caves and Sexual Abuse + Silence and Mourning
Lucifer TV Show, Milton's Paradise Lost, Casts Satan as the Victim, Pride Caused Satan's Downfall + Satan Intends to Usurp God's Throne + Satanic Shoe, Jupiter and Saturn, End-Time Symbolism
The Simpsons, Summoning Circle, Pentagon with Candles at the Points, Protection Inside the Pentacle (Not Outside) + Monsters University, One Eye Symbolism, Stealing Screams From Children, Gift to Remain Young + Fire
Reptilian, Dragon Bloodlines, Acknowledges Familiar Spirits, Generational + Reptilian Spirits on Earth's Surface, Generational Spirits in the Realm Below, Realm Even Deeper in the Middle of Earth + The Tunnel Systems, Light and Energy, Tesla Tech.
Descends From Rasputin & Queen Victoria, Physically Manifests in Places, Visits White House, Kremlin and Buckingham Palace, Arrives Unannounced + Jimmy Page, Golden Dawn, Stairway to Heaven, May Queen + Glamis Calling Website, Letter
Justin Bieber's Prayer, Marilyn Manson, No Testimony About Deliverance (Conspicuous By its Absence) + Kanye West and High Priests and High Priestesses + Currencies
Spiritual Gates and Beings in the Spirit World + Emerald City (Underground, Located Under the Pentagon) + Alice, CERN, To Open the Spiritual Gates Mechanically