#295 Nov 8 Election FLASHBACK & Maricopa County’s Version Of What Happened…THEN…What REALLY Did! Election Fraud, Felony Interference, Illegal Votes, Laws Broken, Voter Disenfranchisement, Misconduct & More! Where Are Kari & Abe?
#292 New Age "Spirituality & Religion" Is Upside Down & Backwards - The Mirror Image of God's Word. Way Too Much SELF First & Sacrificing Our Children...BY DESIGN | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#289 President Trump's Documents Case: Presidential Records Act - PRA 2205(3) Is A Complete Defense & How To WIN! His Attorneys Need To Use This & It's CASE DISMISSED! SHARE - SHARE - SHARE #TrumpCaseDismissedNOW