Aaron Antis Interview | Join General Flynn, Eric Trump, Peter Navarro, Kash Patel, Alina Habba, Amanda Grace, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Julie Green, Pastor Leon Benjamin & Team America At the Selma, NC ReAwaken Tour (Oct 18-19)
Elon Musk | ANT HILL Locust Program | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity As a Matter of Course, No Hard Feelings." - Elon Musk + What Is- Anthropocene? U.S. Military's LOCUST Program?
Antivirus for the Mind? | "To Prepare for This Kind of World, We Need An Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harari | "These Have One Mind And Shall Give Their Power And Strength Onto the Beast." - Revelation 17-13
Space Force | Space Force General Lt. General Deanna Burt "Since January of This Year More Than 400 Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws Have Been Introduced At the State Level..."