Dr. Scott Jensen | Has America Been Played? Did Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma Effectively Deceive America? Exposing the TRIAD of Tyranny | The Truth About the COVID-19 Models, the COVID-19 Tests and the COVID-19 Shots
Anthony Fauci was disposing corpses of orphan children who were dying in his illegal experiments, and they found 100's of the tiny coffins at a Cemetery.
WOKE | Woke Pastors | How Woke Are America's Leading Pastors? Is Wide Gate Theology Leading the American Church? What Is Andy Stanley Saying During His Church Services? Why Is TD Jakes Promoting Anthony Fauci?
Psychopath and Serial Liar Anthony Fauci – Father of Lockdowns – Now Claims “I Didn’t Shutdown Anything” – But Internet Has Receipts Fauci lies to the whole world and under oath. DR DEATH