President Trump | "I'm Stuck Here Because I Have a Corrupt Attorney General That Communicates With the DOJ In Washington to Keep Me Nice & Busy Because I'm Leading Biden In the Polls By Alot." - Trump (Oct. 4th 2023) + Letitia Jame
FedNow | July 20th 2023, Federal Reserve Officially Launches New FedNow Instant-Payments Service!!! Is FedNow the Same As CBDCs? "Now They Are Claiming That This Is the Alternative to CBDC." - Glenn Beck
Yuval Noah Harari | Harari (2016), "Our Species Is Going to Upgrade Itself Into a Completely Different Kind of Being. (The Revolution) It Will Also Transform Our Bodies & Our Minds & It Will Replace Homosapiens." - 4th Industrial Revolut
Hunter Biden | "Hunter Biden Admitted In Court In July That He Was In Fact Paid Substantial Sums from Chinese Companies. This Directly Goes Against What Joe Biden Said In the Debates In 2020 With Donald Trump." - Jake Tapper (CNN)
October 4th 2023 | Is There a Connection Between October 4th 2023 FEMA & FCC Nationwide Emergency Alert Test & China’s Bio-based Military Strategies Including Weaponized Vaccines (Biological Time Bombs)? Anthropocene?! 2:20 PM ET