1 year agoPrinciples of War, Clausewitz principles of War applied to Spiritual Warfare, God WinsGod Wins
1 year agoThe woman caught in adultery, the spouse abandoned during cancer treatment, biblical truth, God winsGod Wins
1 year agoKazazian MAFIA Part 4, COL Chuck Sellers, Brad Wozny, and Bishop Jim O'Connor, Spiritual WarfareGod Wins
1 year agoA Tale of Two Marriages, Good Marriages are built on mutual respect and friendship, God WinsGod Wins
1 year agoBlack Friday, the books of Macabees relevant today, tyrants and murderers, biblical truth, God winsGod Wins
1 year agoWe should be grateful for our blessings, the story of the 10 lepers, biblical truth, God winsGod Wins
1 year agoSeparation of Church and State, Not Separation of God and State, Biblical Truth, God WinsGod Wins
1 year agoKings and Prophets and many will Envy those who live today, Biblical Truth, God WinsGod Wins
1 year agoTear up the checklist, avoid "O-Flation" Find your soulmate, Biblical Truth, God WinsGod Wins