#328 TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK …KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
Pascal Najadi - RT Russia Today: "President Trump 🇺🇸 & President Putin 🇷🇺 are not guilty of anything in the Covid PsyOp and Democide created out of and with Switzerland"-US Covert Mil. War Op. #STORM Judgement !
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić: "Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world because no one wants them. It would have been better if we burned them all immediately and thus saved Lives!