4 years agoWATCH: Spanish customs speedboat go full Miami Vice ramming a traffickers boat.Videokings 📹
4 years agoMore than 100 arrested after protests over a Moroccan-Belgium man’s death in police custodyVideokings 📹
4 years agoIrate Dutch farmers clog roads in major tractor protest over government’s climate change policyVideokings 📹
4 years agoWATCH: Thrilling footage from the steps of the Capitol shows thousands of Trump supporters cheerVideokings 📹
4 years agoPortland Antifa militant Dustin Ferreira released a series of videos threatening Andy Ngô, the jourVideokings 📹
4 years agoAlleged thief attempts to run from crowd gets his head stuck between bus doors.Videokings 📹
4 years agoBrutal clash between Russian Police and Supporters of Putin's arrested Opponent Aleksei NavalnyVideokings 📹
4 years agoBUSTED: Video shows alleged Antifa members changing into MAGA clothing just outside the CapitolVideokings 📹
4 years agoCrazy woman got tased after she tried to take down a cop by using the force...Videokings 📹
4 years agoAntifa Militants close in and attack outnumbered Portland police force during NYEVideokings 📹
4 years agoFireworks explode at market after pyrotechnics store catches fire in Rostov, RussiaVideokings 📹