Elon Musk | "The Singularity Is the Point Where Artificial Intelligence Exceeds Human Intelligence. What Will Happen If You've Got Some Super Smart Computer That Is Increasing In Intelligence In Kind of a Runaway Fashion?"
Dollar | "Dollar's Share of Global Reserves Decreased to 58%. BRICS Nations, Diversifying Reserves, These Countries Are Significantly Increasing Gold Reserves. " - Kitco (8/13/24) + "Our Currency Is Crashing." - Trump (4/5/23)
LeBron's Media Company is Bleeding Money – Lost Nearly $30 M Last Year/Colorado Officials Persecuting Tina Peters Worked for Dominion/Trump’s Wild Bunch Is Ready for Action/Putin’s global influence increasing – EU’s Kallas
Business Podcasts | The Importance of Installing a Quality Control Loop In Your Business + How to Increase Word of Mouth & Website Traffic By Focusing On Quality Control & Increasing the Net Promoter Score of Your Business
Pope Francis | Why Did the Pope Just Promote Fr. Antonio Spadaro Who Has Described Jesus As: "Indifferent, Uncaring, Angry & Insensitive, Unbreakably Hard, Mocking & Disrepectful & Blinded by Nationalism & Theological Rigor?"