1. Siaka Massaquoi: Freedom is Not Guaranteed, We Must Fight for It

    Siaka Massaquoi: Freedom is Not Guaranteed, We Must Fight for It

  2. CCP Knows if They Can Corrupt Our Justice System, That’s a Major Step in Winning the Long-Term War

    CCP Knows if They Can Corrupt Our Justice System, That’s a Major Step in Winning the Long-Term War

  3. Stephan Hohil: We Got To Get Miles Guo out of Prison Because We Have Laws.

    Stephan Hohil: We Got To Get Miles Guo out of Prison Because We Have Laws.

  4. The CCP Doesn’t Represent China and Chinese People, We Should Directly Call the Evil CCP Regime Out

    The CCP Doesn’t Represent China and Chinese People, We Should Directly Call the Evil CCP Regime Out

  5. Ava Chen: I Think American Money Is Indirectly Involved in the Israel–Hamas War

    Ava Chen: I Think American Money Is Indirectly Involved in the Israel–Hamas War

  6. 【DE】Nationale Sicherheitsberaterin der USA: Die Bekämpfung der KPCh-Bedrohungen...

    【DE】Nationale Sicherheitsberaterin der USA: Die Bekämpfung der KPCh-Bedrohungen...

  7. [Breaking News] Battle of Hope: Truths and faith will break the illusion of the fake media

    [Breaking News] Battle of Hope: Truths and faith will break the illusion of the fake media

  8. The US can Defeat the CCP by Decouple Economically and Technologically

    The US can Defeat the CCP by Decouple Economically and Technologically

  9. 【DE】Die KPCh betrachtet den American Way of Life als Bedrohung für ihre autoritäre Herrschaft.

    【DE】Die KPCh betrachtet den American Way of Life als Bedrohung für ihre autoritäre Herrschaft.

  10. Anthony Kern: Promoting Peace With CCP Through Appeasement Is Like Neville Chamberlain in Nazi Era

    Anthony Kern: Promoting Peace With CCP Through Appeasement Is Like Neville Chamberlain in Nazi Era

  11. 【NL】John Moolenaar: De grootste onderdrukker van het Chinese volk is de Communistische Partij

    【NL】John Moolenaar: De grootste onderdrukker van het Chinese volk is de Communistische Partij

  12. Ray Michael: AmFest2023 Event Opens Minds and Empowers People

    Ray Michael: AmFest2023 Event Opens Minds and Empowers People

  13. 【IT】Il PCC è una minaccia per gli Stati Uniti molto più grande della Russia

    【IT】Il PCC è una minaccia per gli Stati Uniti molto più grande della Russia

  14. US Shouldn’t Give CCP Opportunity and Resources to Kill Americans With Fentanyl

    US Shouldn’t Give CCP Opportunity and Resources to Kill Americans With Fentanyl

  15. Mike Waltz: CCP is the Most Dangerous Adversary in US History

    Mike Waltz: CCP is the Most Dangerous Adversary in US History

  16. 【PT】A crise do fentanil é sobre o PCCh fazendo envenenamento patrocinado pelo estado em nosso país

    【PT】A crise do fentanil é sobre o PCCh fazendo envenenamento patrocinado pelo estado em nosso país

  17. 【FR】Kari Lake : Nous avons une chance de faire tomber le régime du PCC

    【FR】Kari Lake : Nous avons une chance de faire tomber le régime du PCC

  18. 【PT】Kari Lake: Temos uma chance de derrubar o regime do PCCh

    【PT】Kari Lake: Temos uma chance de derrubar o regime do PCCh

  19. 【NL】Rep. Austin Scott: De CCP is onze tegenstander en we moeten hem tegengaan

    【NL】Rep. Austin Scott: De CCP is onze tegenstander en we moeten hem tegengaan

  20. Mike Waltz: We Need to Make it Clear to CCP that Invasion of Taiwan is Unacceptable

    Mike Waltz: We Need to Make it Clear to CCP that Invasion of Taiwan is Unacceptable

  21. CCP Works With the Local FBI and Law Enforcement of Boston Trying To Take Control of My Company

    CCP Works With the Local FBI and Law Enforcement of Boston Trying To Take Control of My Company
