2 years ago2 reptilian female police shooting human male police who speak truth & a black to try start race warChristianRapture
2 years agoGates of Hell flames shooting up from streets as NWO witches open more portals release fallen angelsChristianRapture
2 years agoPart 5 Anti-feminist who was thrown out of Internet & hunted by pedophile cannibal Satanist witchesChristianRapture
2 years agoSilent fake Christian cowardly traitors condone 70% infiltration of police & military & hospitalsChristianRapture
2 years agoDraco avatar Tibet monks guarding Satan's Shambhala were behind Vril occult Satanist Nazi holocaustChristianRapture
1 year agoWe can’t compare ourselves to others (The Pharisee and the tax collector Luke 18:9-14)Gollihuefamilydiscipleship
3 years agoAWESOME AUGUST Pick a card All Signs, Will you choose Pink, Yellow, Orange or Green. Love to allInspiring Clarity
3 years agoPick A Card, May-June 2021, all signs, beautiful messages Loving this for all of you.Inspiring Clarity
1 year agoEntire purpose of humans' existence: seek relationship with Him, to earn Ranks in the HeavensNo Religion/Book, to seek Yah (Heavenly Father) etimin.org