THE UNIVERSE IS HAPPENING FOR YOU, NOT TO YOU. Those Who Said NO the First Time are Obviously Set. Those Who WEREN’T Practicing and Owning Their Sovereignty—This One’s for You! THE UNIVERSE IS HAPPENING FOR YOU, NOT TO YOU.
Only Those Who Own Their #SOVEREIGNTY Survive! | Weak Souls (That's Most People, You Know it, SO DON'T TEST IT) are Always #JustDoingTheirJob — #BlueLivesMatterMyAss! S.O.V.E.R.E.I.G.N.T.Y.
You're About to Become the REAL You, BUUUTTT..... 5D is —NOT— Coming! You’re Coming, and When You Arrive You’ll Have Realized You Brought 5D with You Because You Created it. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.