Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The BRICS Nations Are Working Overtime to Create a Brand New Currency of Their Own That Will Be Pegged to Physical Assets Such As GOLD." - EPOCH TIMES (April 6th 2023)
R&B Annual Address: Our Lady Roseanne Barr Rosh HaShanah 5785 (2024-2025) Prayer for Humanity (September 30th, 2024). Program Co-ChairMEN: MSSRS Z. Livshitz, J. Pentland, F. Zelenko (USA)
R&B Annual Address: Our Lady Roseanne Barr Yom Kippur 5875 (2024-2025) and October 7th Prayer for Humanity (October 7th, 2024). Program Co-ChairMEN: MSSRS Z. Livshits, J. Pentland, F. Zelenko (USA)
Prophecy 24 Pt 2 Excerpts! "I AM THE ARK" Two Holy Prophets Ignored Dumitru Duduman (in Heaven) & Elisheva Eliyahu that America Will Be Decimated By A Multi Nation Attack (mirrored)
Dollar Collapse | Why Did Kenyan President William Ruto Say, "Those of You Who Are Holding Dollars. You Better Do What You Must Do. Because This Market Is Going to Be Different In a Couple of Weeks." BRICS Nations Announce Plans for New Currency