Mike in the Night! 492, UK Oncologist warns Cancers are rapidly developing, post-Covid Vaccination, CITIES IN COLLAPSE, Retailers, businesses are fleeing, rampant violence, theft, World Wide Riots, Exodus of Big Cities!
The Great Reset | "(2002) UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus, That Is Supposed to Target Human Cells In a Way That Can Put a Switch Inside of That Thing to Harm the Human Heart & Lung." Dr. Martin
Mike in the Night E390 - FDA Endorsees Murderous Vaccine Atrocities Against Children, Biden Selection is working Nicely to Destroy America , Amerifornia
The Great Reset | "UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus, That Is Supposed to Target Human Cells In a Way That Can Put a Switch Inside of That Thing to Harm the Human Heart & Lung." - Dr. Martin
Mike in the Night 494, Patriot Act 2.0, s686 Restrict act, Trump Distraction , Seriously damaged Hearts due to covid Vaccines, Hot war Ahead!, Major Cover ups !