1. r/Relationships | I Hate My Friend Because He Started An Affair With A Married Woman

    r/Relationships | I Hate My Friend Because He Started An Affair With A Married Woman

  2. "God gave man a brain and a penis. And only enough blood to run one at a time." - Robin Williams

    "God gave man a brain and a penis. And only enough blood to run one at a time." - Robin Williams

  3. My Fiancé’s Having an AFFAIR With a DEAD WOMAN | 2 Reddit Cheating Stories

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  4. My Husband Kicked Me Out Of Our House When I Confronted Him For Giving Me An STD - Reddit Stories

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  5. r/Relationships | My Husband Cheated With My Best Friend And Want Me To Join Them

    r/Relationships | My Husband Cheated With My Best Friend And Want Me To Join Them

  6. I Caught my Wife is meeting her Ex-Coworker during her Lunch break

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  7. CHEATING WIFE had an affair w/ her cousin's & sister's husbands, she got exposed to everyone

    CHEATING WIFE had an affair w/ her cousin's & sister's husbands, she got exposed to everyone

  8. She INVITED Him to Her AIRBNB | 3 Reddit Relationship Stories

    She INVITED Him to Her AIRBNB | 3 Reddit Relationship Stories

  9. UPDATE 2 & 3 | My Wife Is Talking To A Former Lover About Work And I Don't Like It

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  10. r/Relationships | My Sister Wants My Husband To Cheat On Me WITH HER

    r/Relationships | My Sister Wants My Husband To Cheat On Me WITH HER

  11. 9 REASONS I Think My WIFE’S CHEATING | 2 Reddit Relationship Stories

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  12. Wife's SCANDALOUS Affair With A GYM CHAD Soon Became Her WORST Nightmare When... | R/Relationships

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  13. My Husband Has FANTASIES About My 69-Year-Old MUM | 3 Reddit Relationship Stories

    My Husband Has FANTASIES About My 69-Year-Old MUM | 3 Reddit Relationship Stories

  14. Why Won’t My WIFE END Her AFFAIR? | 2 Reddit Relationship Stories

    Why Won’t My WIFE END Her AFFAIR? | 2 Reddit Relationship Stories

  15. r/Entitledparents My Sister In Law Tried To Hijack My Son's Birthday Party For Her Gender Reveal

    r/Entitledparents My Sister In Law Tried To Hijack My Son's Birthday Party For Her Gender Reveal

  16. UPDATE My husband’s getting drinks with his coworker and I’m terrified

    UPDATE My husband’s getting drinks with his coworker and I’m terrified

  17. WIFE CHEATED With Her EX But Still Wants Me? | 2 Reddit Relationship Stories

    WIFE CHEATED With Her EX But Still Wants Me? | 2 Reddit Relationship Stories

  18. Found out my fiance was sending nude photos to somebody so i cancelled our wedding

    Found out my fiance was sending nude photos to somebody so i cancelled our wedding

  19. My Boyfriend Have An Physical Affair With My Mom. I Caught Them By Checking My BF's Phone

    My Boyfriend Have An Physical Affair With My Mom. I Caught Them By Checking My BF's Phone

  20. My husband’s getting drinks with a coworker and I’m terrified.

    My husband’s getting drinks with a coworker and I’m terrified.

  21. r/Relationships | My Wife Is Talking To A Former Lover About Work And I Don't Like It

    r/Relationships | My Wife Is Talking To A Former Lover About Work And I Don't Like It

  22. Update My Husband Lied About Coming To Help Me While I Was Critticaly Sick storytelling

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  23. r/IDontWorkHereLady She-Devil Professor Makes A Fatal Mistake! | IDWHL Reddit Stories

    r/IDontWorkHereLady She-Devil Professor Makes A Fatal Mistake! | IDWHL Reddit Stories
