5 years agoThe day before foaling - she foaled overnight - a pregnancy that lasted over 12 months 18/6/2018Tuppy's Farm
5 years agoFoal Rejection Explained - Humans Interfering With Birth & Bonding Of HorsesThink Like A Horse
1 year agoBelgian Draft horse and 2 day old foal saved from almost being shipped to slaughter update - Ep.59Fletcher Farms Amarillo
8 months agoSevere G4 Geomagnetic Storm - 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Peru - Iceland’s Could Erupt For DecadesRolling With You
1 year agoMorning Reads: Matthew 21:1-11, Philippians 4:4-9 & John 12:1-18- Palm Sunday: “The Messianic King”Campbellfamily07
1 year agoJesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40 and 12:12-19)Scott LaPierre Ministries