1 year ago"Yes2023 referendum is another government lie with no jurisdiction in law" 1 Fact Checkers AuHARPAXO
1 year agoListen to the insanity of this "teacher" pushing warped gender ideologies onto year 9 kidsHARPAXO
1 year agothis is how stupid and asleep politicans are, having sold their souls for a paycheckHARPAXO
1 year ago"islam dirtying London!" - K S Tashmint; "look how Islam brings despair and ritual religiosity"HARPAXO
1 year agoluciferic garbage - lucifer IS the social NORM - luciferic free speech admitted at the expense of free speechHARPAXO
1 year ago"they want to turn off your chip!" Aaron Russo - Exactly what they're doing now!PreppingForFreedom