Dr. Zelenko | Doctor Zelenko Was Right!!! "Using Zinc Could Inhibit All of the Strains of COVID-19, Influenza Virus, RSV Virus, Ebola Virus, Marburg Virus & Hantavirus." - The Late Great Dr. Zelenko (May He Rest In Peace)
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now Hackable Animals. To Hack a Human Being You Need Alot of Data, Especially Biometric Data. Secondly, You Need Alot of Computing Power to Make Sense of All That Data. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin."
Bunkers | Why Are Billionaires Building Big Bunkers? Isaiah 2:19-21, Daniel 2:41-42, Revelation 6:14-17 "When the Flood Comes Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for ELITE Leaving the Rest to Drown." - Yuval Noah Harari