18 days ago‘GCR, Button Has Been Pushed And The Trigger Was Pulled’ God's Grace & You with Gigi (Feb 11, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
1 year agoPutin is a Freemason fake-jew brood of viper seed of satan - all vaccines are for depopulationHARPAXO
1 year ago"where is the outrage?" guy makes sense - "Killjabs murdered and people have just accepted the murders!"HARPAXO
1 year ago"This traitor betrayed Canada." "Trudeau in the Eternal Lake of Fire, God's Judgement is Coming."HARPAXO
1 month ago'Washington DC is Gone, DEW's Burning Cities for Smart Cities, Walmart and Big Businesses Closing...Why FEMA Camps?' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Jan 16, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
2 years agoluciferic garbage - lucifer IS the social NORM - luciferic free speech admitted at the expense of free speechHARPAXO
2 months ago‘Ultimate Human Deception...Cloning, Silicone Masks & Doubles' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Dec 17, 2024)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
4 months ago'The Fall of the Cabal: Arrests and Executions' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Oct 3, 2024)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
2 months ago'Military Drone Whistleblowers...US High Levels of Radiation/Civilization at Risk?' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Dec 19, 2024)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
3 months ago'Updates on Brunson Case, Federal Reserve Closed & GCR Must Happen In 2024' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Nov 21, 2024)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
1 month ago'Biden Crime Family Illegal Action(s)...Justice Is Coming' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Jan 23, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
1 year agoGovernment moves to kill the dollar & take control of your spending| 4/13/23 | (S.5 Ep.15)RidinTheStormOutFBC
1 year agoTexas bill battles Fed threat to implement CBDC to control your spending | 4/27/23 | (S.5 Ep.17)RidinTheStormOutFBC
1 month ago'Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Arrests, Indictments, & Executions For Thousands' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Jan 28, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
1 month ago'Golden Age is Here, GCR & QFS Detail Information and NESARA' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Jan 21, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
5 months ago'List of JFK Sr Witness Protection Program...' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Sept 12, 2024)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
25 days ago‘Proof US Corporation Is FALLING, Sovereign Citizens Are WINNING’ God's Grace & You with Gigi (Feb 4, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified
1 month ago'NESARA + GESARA = Military GESARA, Trump Sues Media' God's Grace & You with Gigi (Jan 2, 2025)Truth Talk AmericaVerified