2025, US aerospace forces can own the weather by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war fighting applications. #DontLookUp
Dr. James Thorp responds to NZ Government advisor Dr. Turner who has been pushing these experimental injections on pregnant women The vaccines are extraordinarily dangerous. Your proponents are pushing a vaccine that’s responsible for killing!
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
Dr. Altman joined us to discuss the reasons why all those who took part in the biggest crime committed against humanity cannot claim incompetence - the evidence is too overwhelming.
100,000 people demonstrate in the Czech capital #Prague against high #energy prices, against the globalist elites, and against the self-destructive boomerang #sanctions of the #Russia embargo,
These people never joke and tell the truth a lot of times so that everyone chooses the vaccines in their own free will having the information, But Not the complete information of course but enough so that free will is respected.
A Job Destroyer: The Speed of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Is 'Like a Tsunami' Klaus Schwab: "In Davos, for example, we are sometimes accused of rigorous globalization."
Extreme new Australian legislation introduced in WA which allows for unspecified “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facility of their choosing, and keep people there indefinitely.....
Child Abuse: The Biden Admin Is Coming for Your Kids With Disturbing Proposed Changes to Title IX Dr. Peterson Pierre: "If you uphold biological reality, that is going to be considered a form of sexual harassment