COVID-19 Tests | PCR Tests | Karry Mullis the Inventor of the PCR Tests Explains How PCR Tests Can Be Misused and Why You Should Not Trust the Established Scientific Community
Doctor Robert Malone | Dr Peter Breggin & Doctor Judy Mikovits Ask, Is Doctor Robert Malone Part of NIH ACTIV (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines)? Who is Doctor Robert Malone? (See Citations In Description)
Robert Kiyosaki | Inflation | "The System Is On the Verge of an Implosion. The Dollar Collapses and the World Returns to the Gold Standard without the Dollar"
Inflation | Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad Author) "The System Is On the Verge of an Implosion. The Dollar Collapses and the World Returns to the Gold Standard without the Dollar." Will U.S. Lose World Reserve Currency Status?