Amightywind Prophecy 7 - Hold On Tight To The Hem Of MY Garment! "How loyal and how much will you rely on ME?" "In the spiritual realm it is finished," (mirrored)
2003 Rosh Ha Shanah Dream & Song "HE'S Coming Soon" by Amightywind Music Ministry led by singers Ablewaterwalker/YAHSLittleOne, a ministry theme song - In Description see Prophecy - What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?
Amightywind Prophecy 99 - YAH SAYS "America you want to play a harp? (H.A.A.R.P.) Wait until I play MY harp" "Call on ME!" Planned Genocides! GOV. Insanity/Vaccine Warnings (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 59 - I Am Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride! " I am the Alpha & Omega. It is MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing on this ministry. This is MY Ministry, I guard and I protect."
Amightywind Prophecy 122 - "You Can't Tear Down the Gates of Heaven" thus saith, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! "I am GOD ALMIGHTY! I and the FATHER are one! I can be in all places and I am!" (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! "I speak now to the heart of the Hebrew who reads this." YAH has no part in Zionism (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse/5G/more! (See received in 2020 Prophecy 154 YAH'S Fury U.S. Betrayed/Treasons so China Infiltrates/Trump-baby Christian, NO hybrid)