9 months ago‘Operation Freedom Eagle 35 WWG1WGA’ Sincerely, President John F. Kennedy ‘Q’ #SemperSupra 🤝🇺🇸💫PASCALNAJADI
8 months agoThe Biggest ❤️Story ever manifested » 🇺🇸 Pascal & Isabel Diana Najadi Kennedy Kahlooni #WWG1WGAPASCALNAJADI
9 months agoCODE GREEN Launched-“I came in Peace to Maintain Peace” - #WWG1WGA- Sincerely Yours, JFK, May 24PASCALNAJADI
1 month agoJudy Byington Special 2.12.25 ~ Trump Trust His Plan, The Best Is Yet To Come. WWG1WGAJuan O Savin. SG Anon. Benjamin Fulford
1 year agoSG Anon Situation Update 1/14/24: "Nuclear Pearl Harbor, Russia to Collapse NATO, WWG1WGA"SG Anon
27 days agoJudy Byington Special 2.12.25 ~ Trump Trust His Plan, The Best Is Yet To Come. WWG1WGAJuan O' Savin & Gene Decode & SG Anon
1 month agoSituation Update: The Best Is Yet to Come! WWG1WGA! The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) On Telegram!Truth in Sight
1 month agoSituation Update: The Best Is Yet to Come! WWG1WGA! The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) On Telegram!Curiosities and Mysteries
1 month agoWWG1WGA: Trump EO on Sovereign Wealth Fund, MAGA EU, FOG (again), RFK Jr, [DS] USAID, DOGENew Q. SGH SG Anon
7 months agoPascal Najadi Update: "We Are About to Embark on a Historical Crusade! Buckle Up! #WWG1WGA"Patriots Base 🦅 🇺🇸 ⚔️
9 months ago#CODE🟢 5:5 is launched. Enjoy the #STORM. Love & Light💫Sincerely, JFK ‘Q’ #WWG1WGA🤝#SemperSupraPASCALNAJADI
8 months agoEveryday is our ❤️in Abundance for You » Sincerely, Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy ‘Q’ #WWG1WGAPASCALNAJADI
18 days agoDerek Johnson & Brad Wozny Situation Update 02.21.25: "WWG1WGA To Crush [DS]"New Q+ Trump - military forces. USSF
27 days agoSituation Update 2-11-25 - Trump Trust His Plan, The Best Is Yet To Come. WWG1WGADr. Jim Willie
1 month agoBrad Wozny HUGE Intel Feb 6: "WWG1WGA: Trump EO on Sovereign Wealth Fund, MAGA EU, FOG, RFK Jr, [DS] USAID, DOGE"PASCAL NAJADI. SG Anon. Juan O Savin. Derek Johnson. Melissa Redpill ~ Situation Update. Judy Byington. Restored Republic
9 months agoMAINSTREAM: Pascal Najadi - Sovereign Radio, 🇺🇸United States - Special Edition - Pre Broadcast #WWG1WGA - Love & Light, Yours JFK 23.5.2024Patriots Base 🦅 🇺🇸 ⚔️
9 months agoDISCLOSURE: Yes, I'm Back as of May 9th 2024, Ascension Day, and I'M POSSIBLE. Yours, JFK 💫#WWG1WGAPascalNajadiUSSF
1 month agoJudy Byington Special 2.12.25 ~ Trump Trust His Plan, The Best Is Yet To Come. WWG1WGADr. Jim Willie
1 year agoSG Anon Situation Update #66: "Underground War | Netanyahu in Submission | Supernova | WWG1WGA"SG Anon