3 months agoShiftWatch 241128 Current seismic activity, magnetic poles, Life in Telos, vibration recalibrationStarbuckLightworkerVerified
1 year agoLove from the Heart of Telos (Adama) Galactic Families of Light and the 7 Mighty Elohim ~ NEW EARTHwhitegoldeagle
4 months agoShiftWatch 241024 Ethereal Edge podcast, sunspots intensity growing, Dave Wallace BES, life in TelosStarbuckLightworkerVerified
21 days agoVídeo que muestra aparentes vuelos israelíes durante el funeral de NasrallahISRAEL SIN FRONTERAS
1 month agoShiftWatch 250206 HoneyCGolden, EQ swarms near Santorini, BES evidence, life in TelosStarbuckLightworkerVerified
2 years agoAumentan los retrasos de vuelos por el mal tiempo en gran parte de EE.UU. Noticias TelemundoLaradsdsa