2 years ago#Putin Calling the #NWO Bluff, 2008.2 has already begun (#GRWC 03.07.22)Macrofinance & Geopolitics
2 years agoInfiniteRepublicRadio (06.27.22) RoeVsWade v Midterms2022 - PSYOP distract MAGAnomics v GreenNewDealMacrofinance & Geopolitics
2 years agoMister Metokur is Amused by Russian Orthodox Church's Hot Take on Ho Ho Holocaust.tgaMacrofinance & Geopolitics
2 years ago#InfiniteRepublicRadio (pt1_04.23.22) #Ukraine #FalseFlags #WW3 2008.2 #GEC, #Metokur vs #FuentesMacrofinance & Geopolitics
3 years agoShitlord88 has some choice words for old uncle Josh, and hilarity ensues.Macrofinance & Geopolitics
2 years ago2HOT4 YouTube: #IRR (06.27.22) #RoeVsWade v #Midterms2022 PSYOP distract #MAGAnomics v #GreenNewDealMacrofinance & Geopolitics
3 years agoAFPAC AZ useful idiots, recount debacle, RINO governor/AG Ducey, etc.Macrofinance & Geopolitics
3 years ago#InfiniteRepublicRadio (pt.2_02.27.22) @NickDiPaolo Shows (02.21-02.25)Macrofinance & Geopolitics