4 years agoBNO 5+1 visa 【最新】BNO移居英國,英國官方最新公佈 (as at 23 12 2020 ) 「BNO三代同當」及「BNO太空人計劃」仲有冇,一片澄清晒 ….和理看天下
1 year agoEntitled to NOTHING earn EVERYTHING #motivation #wakeupcall #dohardwork #bebetter #noexcuseSOEtacticalgear
1 year agoWhen you dont want to do it thats when you NEED to do it #motivation #wakeupcall #bebetter #noexcuseSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoBefore you do something about it? #motivational #wakeupcall #bebetter #dohardwork #actionSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoYour body will point it out for you! #motivational #wakeupcall #bebetter #dohardwork #actionSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoWhat are you doing to make TOMORROW better? #motivational #wakeupcall #bebetter #dohardwork #actionSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoIf you're not doing it, you're too lazy! #motivational #wakeupcall #bebetter #dohardwork #actionSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoSacrifice now, be better later #motivational #wakeupcall #domore #bebetter #dohardwork #dohardthingsSOEtacticalgear
2 years agoBIG things coming... #shorts #youtubeshorts #domore #bebetter #progress #bigthings #bigthingscomingSOEtacticalgear