#318 PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots In Maricopa County. ELECTION SET ASIDE...TRUMP WINS BY 34,652! Election Crimes MUST STOP...We DEMAND Our Sacred Right Of Voting BACK!
ACTION: RFK JR For HHS Sec! Trump & The People Want Him...DEMAND ALL Senators Vote YES – TAG, CALL & EMAIL THEM…DEMAND Your Donations BACK Until He's Approved! Make America Healthy Again – MAHA…It’s Time To Put Your Health First!
#306 Trump Assassination Attempt: There Were Multiple Shooters, Media & Gov’t Narrative Is A Proven LIE! Time For Facts, Truth & Evidence…WATCH What Really Happened…You’ve Been Deceived America…Be Careful Who You Listen To!