Sukkot Day 8: Prophetic Layers, My 2 True Prophecies, Jesus Exalts My Horn In Righteousness, Prophetic Unlocking of Zechariah Chapters 5 and 6 As It Relates to Covid-19, Donald Trump's Re-election, Daniel 9:27 and Coming Nuclear War Into 7 Year Trib
LIVE Election Coverage: Special Guests & In-Depth Analysis! with David & Stacy Whited + Matt & Joy Thayer - Lara Logan, General Flynn, Clay Clark, Christina Bobb, Breanna Morello, Roger Stone, Lara Trump, Bill Federer, Floyd Brown, Mark Mitche
Re-Upload: As The Anti-Christ Prepares To Ascend To His White House Throne, A Multi-Media Presentation To Warn The Wicked and Prepare The Saints: Trump vs The 144,000