3 years agoFollowing the Risen Christ Unto Death (Jesus Restores Peter) - Baptist preaching, Easter SundayBaptistTampaBay
3 years agoRaising the Palm for Jesus in Our Jerusalem: Palm Sunday - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
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3 years agoEvangelical Pride Parade: Contemporary Christian Doormats for Sodom - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
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4 years agoComing Home to Chaos, Still About His Father's Business - KJV Baptist preaching Luke 2, Matthew 2BaptistTampaBay
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4 years agoSave the Harlot, Dump the Jezebel: Women of Jesus' Genealogy - KJV Baptist preachingBaptistTampaBay
4 years agoGet to God & Be Made Whole - Baptist preaching, Jesus Heals Woman’s Blood DiseaseBaptistTampaBay