1. Breach at the Bureau, Trespasser’s Circulate Selfies at Chief’s podium Featuring Dandelion smoothies

    Breach at the Bureau, Trespasser’s Circulate Selfies at Chief’s podium Featuring Dandelion smoothies

  2. The chief assures listeners on P-SPAN, that he will be the next US President

    The chief assures listeners on P-SPAN, that he will be the next US President

  3. The Chief Talks of the NPC’s, the Bread and Butter of Support for the Bureau.

    The Chief Talks of the NPC’s, the Bread and Butter of Support for the Bureau.

  4. Chief speaks of Runaway Criminality over on Twitter; wants a backhand massage from intern Stanley

    Chief speaks of Runaway Criminality over on Twitter; wants a backhand massage from intern Stanley

  5. The Chief with his intern, Stanley, record at the bureau on the weekend, raging against Elon Musk

    The Chief with his intern, Stanley, record at the bureau on the weekend, raging against Elon Musk

  6. NPC’s everywhere. They worship the state, they are the bread and butter salvation to this bureau

    NPC’s everywhere. They worship the state, they are the bread and butter salvation to this bureau

  7. Bureau Czar Gets Trans - itioned, Ball Point Pen to Marker Face Upgrade

    Bureau Czar Gets Trans - itioned, Ball Point Pen to Marker Face Upgrade

  8. “Now Mary Grace, magpies? Their just an innocent bird, scavenger bird!”

    “Now Mary Grace, magpies? Their just an innocent bird, scavenger bird!”

  9. Your sister needs to rein in that kid of hers, lives with you, doesn’t have a job, antagonizes you

    Your sister needs to rein in that kid of hers, lives with you, doesn’t have a job, antagonizes you

  10. “I am not liking these democrats and republicans and the government they have built up”

    “I am not liking these democrats and republicans and the government they have built up”

  11. Bureau Czar warring upon dandelions as a food source

    Bureau Czar warring upon dandelions as a food source

  12. Tough Talk Ty of Twitter Fame, Lives in New York?

    Tough Talk Ty of Twitter Fame, Lives in New York?

  13. Twitter's Most Gorgeous Male Eyelashes in Danger?

    Twitter's Most Gorgeous Male Eyelashes in Danger?

  14. Mary Grace: “Lou Ellen, If I’m either Rich or poor, you’ll ever be a good friend to me

    Mary Grace: “Lou Ellen, If I’m either Rich or poor, you’ll ever be a good friend to me

  15. Idaho GOP Abolishes the FBI in Resolution, Bureau Chief Furious

    Idaho GOP Abolishes the FBI in Resolution, Bureau Chief Furious

  16. Hey, Aunt Mary Grace, why you so close? You guys kissin’ or somethin’?

    Hey, Aunt Mary Grace, why you so close? You guys kissin’ or somethin’?

  17. “The magpies are observing me, communicating about me!”

    “The magpies are observing me, communicating about me!”

  18. “My computer has been hijacked. I can tell when someone’s on my computer. A Trojan horse”

    “My computer has been hijacked. I can tell when someone’s on my computer. A Trojan horse”

  19. Bureau Chief: “Boycott Sound of Freedom.”

    Bureau Chief: “Boycott Sound of Freedom.”

  20. FBI Chief Forbids You From Viewing "Sound Of Freedom"

    FBI Chief Forbids You From Viewing "Sound Of Freedom"

  21. “Now we had just better get a hold of ourselves, Mary Grace”

    “Now we had just better get a hold of ourselves, Mary Grace”

  22. “We should not be on the Twitter looking at these pretty, pretty boys and their nice little lashes”

    “We should not be on the Twitter looking at these pretty, pretty boys and their nice little lashes”

  23. You’ve had some of my green smoothies, but they’ve gone into my Fauciabook and deleted my album

    You’ve had some of my green smoothies, but they’ve gone into my Fauciabook and deleted my album

  24. More Gwenevier and her yellow gloved co-star, Eduardo, with "O Mio Bambino caro."

    More Gwenevier and her yellow gloved co-star, Eduardo, with "O Mio Bambino caro."

  25. “Love me tender, love me true, baby, how I do love you.”

    “Love me tender, love me true, baby, how I do love you.”
