April 8th 2024 | The NASA Serpent Deity Mission, Great American Solar Eclipse, Red Heifers, CERN, A.I. Re-Writing the Bible, Purple Rain Above CERN, Euphrates Drying Up + The Great Reset In 7 Minutes & 49 Seconds
URGENT | Urgent Essential Updates Every American Needs to Know: What's Inside the COVID Shots, China, Rick Flair, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, Kanye (Ye), Tom Brady, Kim Kardashian, Bieber, Usher & Tesla & Up
Dr. Fauci | "You & NIH Had a Lot to Lose If the American People Were to Discover That COVID-19 Was Most Likely Leaked & You Via Eco Health Alliance & Daszak Actually Funded This Research." - Congressman Ronny Jackson
LOCKDOWN | Lockdown 2.0 | Neil Ferguson Is Back!!! The Man Who Falsely Made the COVID-19 Models That Predicted 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 Is Back!!! NOTE: The WHO are about to seize health sovereignty from 194 nations.