Use The Astral Realm (Lower 4D) to Distinguish IT (Fake Simulation) From Non-Simulated [TRUE Reality] — If You're Experiencing "Demons" During Sleep Paralysis You're STILL in What We Generally Call The Simulation! | Sarah Elkhaldy
BOMBSHELL: We're STILL Within The Statute of Limitations for The 2020 Election + Dems' Efforts to Steal 2024 Have Failed and Are EXPOSED. Trump Must Launch an Election Integrity Commission—This with The JFK and Alien/ET Files Are TOP Priority!
Società segrete,Arpocrate,Nefertum,Horus,Eros,Cupido e la Sub Rosa DOCUMENTARIO Nefertum (o Nefertem) è una divinità egizia della triade di Memphis.Il nome deriva dall'egizio "nfr-tm" ovvero "Perfetto,senza eguali"