Bank Term Funding Program | What Are Bail-Ins?! What Happens When the BTFP Ends March 11th 2024? "There Will Be Bank Failures." - 3/7/24 Jerome Powell / U.S. Fed Chair + Dodd–Frank Act + Bank Term Funding Program 101
Dollar Collapse | "Deposits Are At Risk of a Bail-In Which Has Been Sanctioned By the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010." - Makori + "People Have the Assumption That When They Make a Deposit, That's Their Money. But It's Not." - Zang
Gold | "Gold Is Deeply Understated, It Should Be At More Than $7,000 Based Upon Monetary Base Increases In the Past Four Years." - Frank Holmes + "Hundreds of U.S. Banks May Be At Risk of Failure." - CNBC (May 1st 2024)