University of Memphis: Hostile Crowd, Muslim Tries To Assault Me, Contending w/ Homosexuals, Muslims, Hypocrites & Skeptics, Police Come Out And Set Up Barricade Around Me
9 days until this POS expiration: Biden can't even read a phone number from a script in front of him, says to Kamala "you fire away, no pun intended" while talking about the fire devastation in LA, blames "global warming."
University of Oklahoma: Bisexual Heckler & Baritone Tuba Player Help Me Draw Crowd, Students Become So Out of Control, Admin Sets Up Barricade Around Me, Contending with the Beasts Of Oklahoma
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ
University of Pittsburgh: Preaching In The Snow, Contending w/ A Lesbian, Angry Sinner Yells In My Face, Humble Student Asks Questions, A Jew Asks How To Be Born Again
South Dakota State University: Catholic & Christian Hypocrites Defend Sin, Draws Crowd, Contending w/ Atheists & Homosexuals, Jesus Christ Exalted, Some Pure Hearts Approach Me To Encourage Me