Sacha Stone EXPOSES the Sad-Guru Sadhguru! | WE in 5D: I Told You Before, if They Have a Very Public Visually Accessible Persona with Great Traditional Costumes Such as That, They ARE the NWO.
The Annunaki: A Concise View on Humanity's Origins in Regards to The Divine — “The Firmament” Explained for the Flat Earthers (It’s All Fiiiiine, Believe What You Believe). | Eduardo Cano on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
MOST IMPORTANT Video You'll See the Rest of 2023(?) — WHAT Are You REALLY Doing Here in 3D? And the "Fallen Angels", What is Their Role? YOU ARE HERE COLLECTING DATA. Enough Data Collected = Taking "Life" WAAAY Less Serious.
ALL 11K SUBSCRIBERS SHOULD BE WATCHING THIS OR I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED: Channeled Messages From the 9D Pleiadian Collective | Reuben Langdon Interviews Wendy Kennedy
Patriot Streetfighter UNINVITED, and Just the Same Removed Himself, from the Christian NPC Perverse MAGA 3D-Vibe Celebrity-Driven “Make Me Great Again” Corporate-Conservative with Typical Anti-Semite Talking Points… “Reawaken America Tour”!
James O'Keefe Interviews RFK Jr. — He Touches Upon the Conspiracy FACTS That Trump Either 1. Touched Upon and Then Stepped Back From to Please NPC Conservative Voters, and to Bargain with Illuminati Republicans; 2. Or Never Even Touched Upon!