2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Four Noble Truths I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 2 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I 5 daily Recollections I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 3 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Mind Aggregates I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 8 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Charnel Grounds, 4 Elements I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 6 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Jhanas 1 to 4 I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 4 ☸Buddhist Teachings
2 years ago☸ Leigh Brasington I Four Noble TruthsQ&A I 10 day meditation retreat I Day 2 ☸Buddhist Teachings
1 year ago☸ Daniel M. Ingram I Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (MTCB) I 2/2 ☸Buddhist Teachings