Valdosta State University: Strong Christian Joins Me, Large Crowd of Over 50 Students Gather, Rebuking A Hypocrite Female, Dealing with Muslims, Homosexuals and Skeptics
University of South Alabama: Several Christians Encourage Me & Take Gospel Tracts To Give to Their Friends, One Hypocrite Demands Me To Stop Preaching The Fear of God, A Good Day of Preaching Jesus!
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ
Louisiana State University: "Christians" Defend Their Sin, Skeptics Attack the Bible, I Preach the Gospel of Jesus and The Apathy of the Students Shatters!
FAU: Brother Johnny Returns & Helps Me Preach, Hard Hearted & Hostile Hecklers Argue, Some Pure Hearted Christian Students Arrive To Encourage, A Great Day Of Ministry!
Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Ministering To A Christian Student, 3 Young Black Men Come Under Conviction And As I Preach To Them, They Say The Gospel Makes Sense
Univ of Connecticut Wild & Hostile Crowd As Muslims Stir Dissension, I Tear Apart Islam, One Student Who Rips Up My Tract Humbles Himself Later, "Christian" Belgium Woman Assaults Me, Kicks My Bag, I Call Police, Crowd Swells, Exalting Jesus
South Dakota State University: Catholic & Christian Hypocrites Defend Sin, Draws Crowd, Contending w/ Atheists & Homosexuals, Jesus Christ Exalted, Some Pure Hearts Approach Me To Encourage Me
Univ of New Mexico: Biggest Crowd Ever, Demon-Possessed Student Tries to Wrench My Banner From Me, He Gets Tackled to the Ground, Extremely Hostile Crowd, But Jesus is Exalted & Another Campus Christian Ministry Prays For Me and Helps Me Minister