1. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga Dance | on the rehab road to RIPPED at 50

    Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga Dance | on the rehab road to RIPPED at 50

  2. Drunken monkey Chi Gong in the Park for Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

    Drunken monkey Chi Gong in the Park for Muscle Pain and Joint Pain

  3. Do THIS to Release Your Back Pain! | Qi Gong At Venice Beach

    Do THIS to Release Your Back Pain! | Qi Gong At Venice Beach

  4. Kirtan & Chi Gong Routine for Inner Peace w Jai from the Chocolatree

    Kirtan & Chi Gong Routine for Inner Peace w Jai from the Chocolatree

  5. ☯️ Quick Dynamic Full Body Stretch to Stay Loose - Qi Gong

    ☯️ Quick Dynamic Full Body Stretch to Stay Loose - Qi Gong

  6. Intense Breathwork, Freezing Ice Baths & Chi Gong | Troy Casey

    Intense Breathwork, Freezing Ice Baths & Chi Gong | Troy Casey

  7. "I Never Glid Before" (Live) by Gong -- First time reaction!

    "I Never Glid Before" (Live) by Gong -- First time reaction!

  8. Improvisational Qi Gong 2 LOWER STRESS @ the Grand Canyon | #moveitorloseit | #RippedAt50

    Improvisational Qi Gong 2 LOWER STRESS @ the Grand Canyon | #moveitorloseit | #RippedAt50
