Satan | Team Satan Mails Us a Letter "Our Servants In Government & Media Are Award of Your Vein Efforts to Restore Donald Trump to the Presidency. You Will Fail. America Is Ours. The Kingdom of Darkness Rise."
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO Trump: 'Faremo di Gaza la Riviera del Medio Oriente' I palestinesi lasceranno Gaza per andare a vivere in altri posti dove essere felici e non rischiare di essere uccisi.Così il Presidente Usa Donald Trump
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham | "You Want to Know How to Make America Great Again? Tell Donald Trump to Go to Hell! If You Can't Admire Joe Biden As a Person Then You Have a Problem. He Is A Good a Man As God Ever Created." - Lindsey Graham
Gene Ho | "I Couldn't Believe It. Donald Trump Called Me Back To The Room To Take Pictures Of The Very Important Persons, The Police Officers Who Were Guarding Him That Day."