2 years agoPt 1c: WARNING! Salvation, Inheritance, Temptation, Narrow Path. Sanctify your Temple NOW.David The Watchman
2 years agoPt 1e: WARNING! Salvation, Inheritance, Temptation, Narrow Path. Sanctify your Temple NOW wrap-upDavid The Watchman
2 years agoI did it to myself - my Embarrassing Testimony. A roaring lion nearly devoured me. FULL armor of GodDavid The Watchman
2 years ago5/6 Israel Indep, Storms, Snap "Christians to Blame", "10 Best" AC films, MO TestiMOny, '24' VirusDavid The Watchman
2 years ago5/6 Israel Indep, Storms, Snap "Christians to Blame", "10 Best" AC films, MO TestiMOny, '24' VirusDavid The Watchman
2 years agoSatan is a mimic. (g)od of this world populated w/his kind. Are you a sheep or a G.O.A.T.? Choose.David The Watchman
2 years ago'MONKEY' = Sin Spirit. Satan wants to shock your monkey. Hebrew Gematria decode: "Trap your Monkey!"David The Watchman
2 years agoGod to judge Whore that rides the Beast. May 30, Storms, Asteroids, MKUltra'd 10 year old in FloridaDavid The Watchman
2 years agoJune 15, 2022. 6/1+5/2+0+2+2 (666). Florida Storms. Exodus 19 & 20. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!David The Watchman
2 years agoDark Visitations-Are We In The Tribulation? (Answer is ‘No’). Vid 7_Orig pub 10/2020 & removed by YTDavid The Watchman
2 years agoJune 24 Planet Parade, Google AI Awake, is Earth a computer & we're digital sims groomed by a Mouse?David The Watchman
2 years agoJuly 4th 10yr anniversary of God Particle discovery. CERN celebrates July 5 by opening portal?David The Watchman
2 years agoLuke 12 Study. Deathbed Salvation. I am come to send fire on the earth...David The Watchman
2 years agoLightning, Locusts & How To Survive Nuclear Holocaust while masked. 322 Conditioning. You're asleep.David The Watchman
2 years agoJonah is the only sign for a wicked and adulterous generation. I'm gonna be a Grandpa! Praise JesusDavid The Watchman
2 years agoRapture, billions die, THEN the locusts come. Repent and Escape on the bus to Jesus, (not Beelzebub)David The Watchman
2 years agoFrog in the False Prophet's Throat? Illuminati, Genesis 3:22, Pope Francis, & Kek the Frog Demon.David The Watchman
2 years ago2022 Games Creating Reprobate Minds. Black Rock. D.E.U.S. ex Machina. Digital Blaspheming of Jesus.David The Watchman
2 years agoEverybody Hates David. Spiritual Warfare. Judge yourself. Is Jesus returning in 2022? (I think YES!)David The Watchman
2 years agoThe Dawning of the Age of Apollyon. Do what thou wilt. Genesis 3. Rumors, War, Peace & SafetyDavid The Watchman
2 years agoWARNING! Jesus is coming. Use your Talents, share the gospel & assist the restrainer. Hold the door.David The Watchman
2 years agoThe Fix(x) is in - Red Sky Warning. Jupiter closest in 60 yrs on Feast of Trumpets!David The Watchman
2 years agoDisney Hellraiser, Pfizer Man, Jabbed kids Superheroes! Omicron redux, Neymar Jr: Spirit of BrazilDavid The Watchman
2 years agoSick & in YT Jail again. Happy Shemini Atzeret! Signs, 7 Day Warnings, NASA Dart Mission, Asteroids.David The Watchman