Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon on Decoupling from Communist China and Nailing the Debt Ceiling Negotiations + The Four Drivers of American Economic Growth
China | Is China Building 'Ethnic Specific' Bio Weapons That Can Target People Based on Race? Learn More About China's New DNA-Based Bioweapons Target Specific Ethnic Groups
CBDC | "Pfizer Is Not a German Company. Pfizer Is a German-Chinese Company. They Produced a Billion of the Vaccines, But China Doesn't Use These Vaccines." - Naomi Wolf (Investigative Journalist & Tech Entrepreneur)
1971 | The Rise of Klaus Schwab, China & the Fourth Reich | The Connection Between Nixon, China, the Gold Standard, the World Economic Forum, Genetic Editing, Luciferase-Based Bio Censors and CBDCs